Friday, November 28, 2008

Ngorogoro and Serengeti

Can I just say one word...

Absolutely bloody amazing!

So that's three, it's my blog...

Very long days to get to the Serengeti via the crater but well worth it. The plains were full of the wildebeest migration that we saw crossing the Mara river in Masai Mara, over a million plus 400,000 zebras and uncounted flies and dung heaps.

The camp site was a bit scary. There was a buffalo contending for the kitchen and we weren't allowed to toilet as there were hyena, elephant and lions roaming the site. Buffalo and Hyena did wander through on the night, plus nearby lion was calling (hey - juicy tourists, over here!) which made travellers diarrhea a bit of an ordeal.

We did see a intact leopard from far away so Sharon happy, plus baboons, lions and zebra shagging. Must be spring. Also a Zebra giving birth very slowly.

Ngorogoro was amazing, much bigger than I had expected and absolutely stunning. We saw 2 black rhino rounding out the big 5 in two days so very very lucky. Also had to fight red kites for breakfast and lunch (campsite much safer so easier to dash to squat toilet).

Now back in Arusha and very tired. Dar es Salaam tomorrow, then ferry to Zanzibar for three days - wish us luck. Still have most of the luggage.


Ianthe said...

Am soooo jealous and am glad you are still in Africa. One handed typing not too bad.
Ianthe xx

Dr Mildly Naughty said...

why was the Lion shagging the Zebra, I Thought they ate them! Confused from Edinburgh